Ulsan Airport V2.0
2020 / 03 / 22
Airport features
RKPU/USN airport is located in Hwabong-dong, Bukgu, Ulsan/Republic of Korea
This airport is public airfield. We have 2 small gate with jetways. It is only acceptable for type of below B737-900 level. It includes 2 general aviation parking slot on northwestern area of the apron.
Runway length is 2000m/6562ft for runway 18/36. Ulsan has one runway as known as well. Only available CAT I approach on RWY 36. Hi air, Korean air, Air busan is coming everyday for routine. However, nowadays, no aircraft schedule in daily because of COVID-19.
Product features
Built with data of AIRAC2002 airport database
3d grass in modeled
Static jetways placed (GSX v2 jetways and SODE for an option)
Realistic modeled terminal
Some parts are using retouched photo texture
Included some apartments nearly eastern area of terminal
Night dynamic lights are included
Dynamic objects around airport included
Options for a seasonal texture
Comparable with 날틀님 Korea Photo Scenery
Also ORBX Global can be
etc more...
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